As I mentioned before, here you can find bits from shorts I’ve worked on in the past 5 years.
Below you can find info on the individual videos, some of them include links to it’s full length video.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own some of the songs used in some of segments of this video, Im only using it to illustrate the scenes I picked out, because the real audio just sounds odd out of its context.
Mix It Up (2012)
Song: The Strokes, I’ll do try anything once.
Done for: Short Night at ITESO.
In it: I was the director and editor.
Complete video not available because of contest rules.
T is for Title Card (2011)
Done for: ABC’s of Death, For the Letter T.
In it: I was the director and editor.
For Complete Video:
Outlook (2013)
Song: Yann Tieresen, L’Autre Valse D’Amelie.
Done for: My Video Award Short Film Competition.
In it: I was the director and editor.
Complete video not available because of contest rules.
Insomnia (2010)
Song: Say Hi, Hallie and Henry.
Done for: TV Azteca’s Insomnia.
In it: I was the director and editor.
For Complete Video:
Finalist in the competition.
Cartoon Test (2013)
Done for: PAP Art’s (Tesis).
In it: I was a cartoonist and editor.
This one is complete in this video.
El Canto de la Hoja (2012)
Done for: Jesuit University System.
In it: I was a cartoonist and editor.
This one is complete in this video.
Used as introduction for their show.
Voices of Faith Logo (2014)
Done for: Voices of Faith
In it: I animated it
Carrousel (2014)
This was made just for fun
In it: I directed and edited
Complete video:
El Restaurante (2012)
Done for: FICG (Festival Internacional de Cine en Guadalajara).
In it: I was the editor and translator.
Complete video not available because of contest rules.
Finalist in the competition.
Stand Against Time (2013)
Done for: Nikon Photo Contest.
In it: I was the director and editor.
This one is complete in this video.
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