
martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014

Foto de Restaurantes Chef Enrique Olvera

Chef Enrique Olvera at his new restaurant Cosme, about to open in New York City. Chef Enrique has Restaurante Pujol in Mexico City, widely regarded as one of the top restaurants in the world. I’m excited to try his food at this new opening. This portrait was photographed for Eater.com and you can see photos of the inside of Cosme here: http://ift.tt/1ppb7N5

fuente: http://ift.tt/1ub5A2b

Archivado en: restaurantes Tagged: donde comer, restaurantes, restaurantes en mexico http://ift.tt/1rJOdF2

via WordPress http://ift.tt/1rJOdF2

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