
lunes, 2 de junio de 2014

Susanna’s Restaurant

Como nativa californiana, no me cabía duda del estilo culinario que quería presentarle a mis huéspedes para el disfrute de mi restaurant. Unos días antes de nuestra apertura, descubrí que el término “Cocina Californiana” era confuso para muchos, donde Mexicano, Chino o Frances les daban una falsa ilusión de un menu. El estilo californiano da la bienvenida a sus visitantes y su comida y vino siguen esa distinción con simplicidad y frescura.

La Cocina Californiana puede también ser considerada una alternativa más saludable a otros estilos culinarios ya que en principio rechaza el uso de alimentos manufacturados y se basa fundamentalmente en aceites vegetales, semillas y nueces, así como en fuentes de proteinas magras

Susanne Stehr

As a native Californian, there was no question for me on the food and style that I wanted to present to my guests for their enjoyment at my restaurant. Leading up to my restaurant’s opening, I found the term “California Cuisine” was confusing to many whereas Mexican, Chinese or French gave them an illusionary reference to a menu. California style is welcoming and it’s food and wine follow that distinction with simplicity and freshness.

California Cuisine is very ingredient driven and utilizes only the freshest of products. Unlike other cuisines that use a variety of fats to flavor the food, California cuisine’s simplistic approach allows the natural goodness of the food to be enjoyed alone or layered.

Susanne Stehr

Susanna’s Restaurant is located in beautiful Pueblo Plaza, in the heart of Rosarito Beach, Baja California, Mexico, just 17 miles from the US-Mexico border.

It is easy to find us!

1) Just take the Toll Road

2) Get off at the third exit of Rosarito.

3) Go straight to Benito Juarez Blvd. (main road in town)

4) Make a right and about 3 blocks ahead, you will see us on your left hand side,

1/2 block north of Señor Frog’s and 1/2 south of restaurant El Nido.

That is 3 blocks north of the Rosarito Beach Hotel.

Pueblo Plaza’s front entrance is distinguished by two wagon wheels and an interior rock waterfall & Oxxo.

Open every day from: 1pm to 11pm.

Closed on Tuesdays.

Pueblo Plaza, 4356 Benito Juarez Blvd.

Playas de Rosarito, Baja California



http://ift.tt/1n3qzj8 Stehr

(661) 613-1187

from USA dial 011-52-661-613-1187

Archivado en: restaurantes Tagged: comer en restaurante, comida, restaurantes http://ift.tt/1hQduVV

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