presents Fuerteventura.
Thank you so much to all the people on the Island who give me lifts just about anywhere I need to get to even at night.
Thank you so much to the staff at El Mirador restaurante who let me leave my MacBook on there bar during a sat night shift to use there wifi to up load this video.
If you like what you see please go to and donate to help me keeping on making videos like this.
This video has also been up loaded on the 25th January 2014, six months to the day of when I had my last drink. and one day before I filmed possible my worse trickstick video and debatable the best location ‘Victory Falls, Zambia’ A reminder to me and everyone how much I have changed without alcohol.
Thank you to everyone who has help me get this far.
Archivado en: restaurantes Tagged: comer en restaurante, comida, restaurantes
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